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- Accompanying Appendix for "Accounting for Primary and Secondary Demand Effects with Aggregate Data", (with Harikesh Nair and Pradeep Chintagunta), Marketing Science, 2005, 24(3)
- Accompanying Appendix for "Product Differentiation and Mergers in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2005, 14(4)
- Accompanying Appendix for "Beyond the endogeneity bias: the effect of unmeasured brand characteristics on household-level brand choice models" (with Pradeep Chintagunta and Kim Yong Goh), Management Science, 2005, 51(2)
- Accompanying Appendix for "Competitive Price Discrimination Strategies in a Vertical Channel Using Aggregate Data" (with David Besanko and Sachin Gupta), Management Science, 2003, 49(9)
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