June 2023


The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Harper Center, office 361, 5807 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637

Tel: (773) 834 5377, Fax: (773) 702 0458



July 2021 –, James M. Kilts Distinguished Service Professorship, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, IL 60637

September 2008 – June 2021, Sigmund E. Edelstone Professor of Marketing, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, IL 60637

July 2006 – August 2008, Professor of Marketing and Neubauer Family Faculty Fellow, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637

November 2003 – July 2006, Associate Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637

April 2000 – November 2003, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637


April 2020, Academic Fellow, Marketing Science Institute

September 2017, Academic Trustee, Marketing Science Institute


September 2013 –, Director, Kilts Center for Marketing, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

April 2014 –, Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Industrial Organization

April 2009 –, Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research, Industrial Organization

2008-2010, Affiliate, Yahoo! Microeconomics Research Group


1995-2000, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, Doctor of Philosophy (Economics)

1995-1996, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, Master of Arts (Economics)

1991-1995, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, H.B.Sc. (Quantitative Methods in Economics)


1.     “Market Structure Across Stores: an application of a random coefficients model with store level data,” with Pradeep Chintagunta and Vishal Singh, Advances in Econometrics: Econometric Models in Marketing, ed. Philip Hans Franses and Alan Montgomery (JAI Press: 2002).


2.     Structural Applications of the Discrete Choice Model,” (1st author) with Pradeep Chintagunta, Bart Bronnenberg, Ron Goettler, Amil Petrin, P.B. Seetheraman, K. Sudhir, Raphael Thomadsen and Ying Zhao, Marketing Letters, 13 (3), 207-220, 2002.


3.     Balancing profitability and customer welfare in a supermarket chain,” with Pradeep Chintagunta and Vishal Singh, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Inaugural Issue, 1 (1), 2003.


4.     “Competitive Price Discrimination Strategies in a Vertical Channel with Aggregate Data,” with David Besanko and Sachin Gupta, Management Science, 49 (9), 2003.

·       Finalist, 2004 John D.C. Little Award


5.     Discussion of ‘Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply’,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 1 (3), 2003.


6.     Multiple Discreteness and Product Differentiation: Demand for Carbonated Soft Drinks,” Marketing Science, 23 (1), 2004.

·       Finalist, 2006 Frank M. Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award

·       Finalist, 2005 John D.C. Little Award

·       Finalist, 2014 Long-Term Impact Award


7.     Empirical Analysis of Indirect Network Effects in the Market for Personal Digital Assistants,” with Harikesh Nair and Pradeep Chintagunta, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2 (1), 23-58, 2004.

·       Finalist, 2005 AMA TechSIG Best Article Award


8.     Retail Pass-Through on Competing Brands,” with David Besanko and Sachin Gupta, Marketing Science, 24 (1), 2005.


9.     Dynamic Brand Competition Across Markets: an empirical analysis,” with Puneet Manchanda, Marketing Science, 24(1), 2005.


10.  “Beyond the endogeneity bias: the effect of unmeasured brand features on household-level brand choice models,” with Pradeep Chintagunta and Kim Yong Goh, Management Science, 51 (2), 2005.

·       formerly titled “Targeted Pricing and the estimation of consumer choice models in the presence of unmeasured product features”


11.  “Product Differentiation and Mergers in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry,” Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 14 (4), 2005.


12.  “Recent advances in structural econometric modeling: dynamics, product positioning and entry,” with K. Sudhir, Andrew Ching, Greg Crawford, Michaela Draganska, Jeremy T. Fox, Wesley Hartmann, Gunter Hitsch, V. Brian Viard, Miguel Villas-Boas, Nauffel Vilcassim, Marketing Letters, 16(3), 2005.


13.   “Estimating an SKU-level Brand Choice Model Combining Household Panel Data and Store Data,” with Pradeep Chintagunta, forthcoming at the Journal of Marketing Research, XLII (3), 2005.


14.  Accounting for Primary and Secondary Demand Effects with Aggregate Data,” with Harikesh Nair and Pradeep Chintagunta, Marketing Science, 24(3), 2005.

·       formerly titled “Discrete/Continuous Demand Estimation with aggregate data: formulation and empirical application”


15.  An Empirical Model of Advertising Dynamics,” with Günter Hitsch and Puneet Manchanda, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 3(2), 2005.


16.  “The Effect of Banner Advertising on Internet Purchasing,” with Puneet Manchanda, Kim Yong Goh and Pradeep Chintagunta, Journal of Marketing Research, XLIII (1), February 2006.


17.  “Consumer Packaged Goods in the United States: National Brands, Local Branding,” with Bart Bronnenberg and Sanjay Dhar, Journal of Marketing Research, XLIV (1), February 2007 (lead article).

·       Winner, 2008 Paul E. Green Award of the American Marketing Association

·       Finalist, 2012 William O’Dell Award of the American Marketing Association

·       Also follow-up comment: “National Brands, Local Branding: Conclusions and Future Directions


18.  “Prominence Effect in Shanghai Apartment Prices,” with Chris Hsee and Yan Zhang, Journal of Marketing Research, XLV (2), April 2008 (lead article).

·       formerly titled “A Behavioral Analysis of the Shanghai Real Estate Market”


19.   “Category Pricing with State Dependent Utility,” with Günter Hitsch, Peter Rossi and Maria Ana Vitorino, Marketing Science, May/June 2008.

·       Finalist, 2008 John D.C. Little Award


20.   “Cross-Brand Pass-through in Supermarket Pricing,” with Sachin Gupta, Marketing Science, May/June 2008 (lead article).


21.  “Measuring Long Run Marketing Effects and their Implications for Long Run Marketing Decisions,” with Bart Bronnenberg, Carl Mela et al., Marketing Letters, 19(3), 2008.


22.   “Brand History, Geography, and the Persistence of Brand Shares,” with Bart Bronnenberg and Sanjay Dhar, Journal of Political Economy, February 2009, 117(1).

·       formerly titled “Market Structure and the Geographic Distribution of Brand Shares in CPG Industries”

23.  “Do Switching Costs Make Markets Less Competitive?” with Günter Hitsch and Peter Rossi, Journal of Marketing Research, XLVI(4), August 2009 (lead article).

·       Finalist, 2013 William O’Dell Award of the American Marketing Association


24.  “Rejoinder to Cabral (2009) and Shin and Sudhir (2009),” with Günter Hitsch and Peter Rossi, Journal of Marketing Research, XLVI(4), August 2009.


25.  Tipping and Concentration in Markets with Indirect Network Effects,” with Günter Hitsch and Pradeep Chintagunta, Marketing Science, March/April 2010.

·       Finalist, 2010 John D.C. Little Award


26.  “State Dependence and Alternative Explanations for Consumer Inertia,” with Günter Hitsch and Peter Rossi, RAND Journal of Economics, 41(3), Autumn 2010 (lead article).


27.  “Do DVRs Influence Consumers' Brand Purchases?” with Bart Bronnenberg and Carl Mela, Journal of Marketing Research, 47(6), December 2010.


28.  “Endogenous Sunk Costs and the Geographic Differences in the Market Structures of CPG Categories, with Bart Bronnenberg and Sanjay Dhar, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 9(1), March 2011.


29.  “The Evolution of Brand Preferences: Evidence from Consumer Migration, with Bart Bronnenberg and Matt Gentzkow, American Economic Review, 102(6), October 2012.


30.  “Improving the Numerical Performance of BLP Static and Dynamic Discrete Choice Random Coefficients Demand Estimation, with Jeremy Fox and Che-Lin Su, Econometrica, 80(5), September 2012.

·       Computer Code to estimate the Random Coefficients Logit via GMM using the MPEC algorithm


31.  "The Joint Identification of Utility and Discount Functions From Stated Choice Data: An Application to Durable Goods Adoption," with Günter Hitsch and Pranav Jindal, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 12, 2014.


32.  "Do Pharmacists Buy Bayer? Sophisticated Shoppers and the Brand Premium," with Bart Bronnenberg, Matt Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(4).


33.  “Self-Signaling and Pro-Social Behavior: a cause marketing mobile field experiment,” with Xueming Luo and Zheng Fang, Marketing Science, March/April, 32(6), 2017 (lead article).


34.  “The Formation of Consumer Brand Preferences,” with Bart Bronnenberg, Annual Review of Economics, Vol. 9, 2017


35.  “Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons”, with Nathan Fong, Xueming Luo, and Zheng Fang, Marketing Science, November/December, 36 (6), 944-975, 2017.


36.  “Income and Wealth Effects on Private Label Demand: Evidence From the Great Recession,” with Guenter Hitsch and Peter Rossi, Marketing Science, 37 (1), 22-53, 2018.


37.  “Food Deserts and the Causes of Nutritional Inequality,” with Hunt Alcott, Rebecca Diamond, Jesse Handbury, Ilya Rahkovsky and Molly Schnell, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 134 (4), 1793-1844, 2019.


38.  Handbook of the Economics of Marketing (2019), Elsevier (co-editor with Peter Rossi).


39.  “Microeconometric Models of Demand,” in the Handbook on the Economics of Marketing, J.P. Dube and P. Rossi, eds. Elsevier, 2019.


40.  “The Economics of Brands and Branding," with Bart Bronnenberg and Sridhar Moorthy, in the Handbook on the Economics of Marketing, J.P. Dube and P. Rossi, eds. Elsevier, 2019.


41.  “Consumer Misinformation and the Brand Premium: A Private Label Blind Taste Test,” with Bart Bronnenberg and Robert Sanders, Marketing Science, 39 (2), 382-406, 2020.


42.  “State-Dependent Demand Estimation with Initial Conditions Correction,” with Guenter Hitsch, Peter Rossi and Andrey Simonov, Journal of Marketing Research, 57(5), 789-809, 2020.


43.  “Random-Coefficients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares," with Joonhwi Joo and Ali Hortaçsu, Marketing Science, 40(4), 637-330, 2021.

44.   “The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic,” with Shirsho Biswas, Szymon Sacher and Andrey Simonov, Marketing Science, 41(2), 230-242, 2022.

45.  “Millennials and the Take-Off of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry,” with Bart Bronnenberg and Joonhwi Joo, Marketing Science, 41 (4), 235-441, 2022.

46.  “Intangible Marketing Capital,” with Bart Bronnenberg and Chad Syverson, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 36(3), 53-74, 2022.

47.  Personalized Pricing and Consumer Welfare” with Sanjog Misra, Journal of Political Economy, 131(1), 2023.

48.  Comment on “Spilling the Beans on Political Consumerism: Do Social Media Boycotts and Buycotts Translate to Real Sales Impact? by Liaukonyte, Tuchmann and Zhu,” with Bart Bronnenberg, Marketing Science, 42(1), 11-25, 2023.

49.  “Amazon Private Brands: Self-Preferencing vs Traditional Retailing,” The Antitrust Journal, forthcoming, 2023.


1.     “Nonparametric Estimation of Habitual Brand Loyalty,” with Xinyao Kong and Oeystein Daljord

2.     “Discrete-Choice Models and Representative Consumer Theory,” with Joonhwi Joo and Kyeongbae Kim



1.     “Measuring Advertising Effectiveness," with Andrey Simonov and Shirsho Biswas

2.     “Stock-piling and the discount function,” with Vanessa Alwan and Xinyao Kong

3.     “Quantity Surcharging,” with Joonhwi Joo

4.     “Personalized Municipal Fines and Fees”



1.     “Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: How Local Governments Can Increase Revenues and Improve the Fairness of Fines and Fees at the Same Time,” with Bryan Glenn and Shayne Kavanagh, Rethinking Revenue series, GFOA, 2022.

2.     “Marketing for Good Is a Business Imperative," Chicago Booth Review, July 22, 2021

3.     “Lower Fines Could Lead to Higher Revenues," Chicago Booth Review, February 15, 2021.

·       Bronze Medal for 2022 CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) awards.

4.     “Is a Fair Price the Same Price for All?" Chicago Booth Review, September 18, 2020.


“Segmented Pricing for Fines and Fees”

·       Government Finance Officers Association, March 2022


“Nonparametric Estimation of Habitual Brand Loyalty”

·       Harvard & MIT IO seminar April 2023

·       Simon School of Business, University of Rochester, March 2023

·       Rice University (economics), December 2022

·       Yale (economics), November 2022

·       Cornell-PSU Econometrics and IO Conference, September 2022

·       Cambridge University, September 2022

·       Summer Institute for Competitive Strategy (discussant Kanishka Misra), Berkeley, June 2022

·       Virtual Quantitative Marketing seminar, Feb 2022

·       University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Feb 2022

·       European Virtual Quantitative Marketing seminar, Feb 2022

·       University of Michigan, Dec 2021


“Millennials and the Take-Off of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry"

·       University of Bristol (economics), June 2021

·       15th Annual Bass FORMS Conference, UTD, February 2021

·       Harvard (economics), February 2021


“The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic”

·       Temple University, Fox School of Business, September 2020


“Random-Coefficients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares”

·       Erasmus University Rotterdam, January 2020


“The Geography of Poverty and Nutrition: Food Deserts and Food Choices Across the United States”

·       AC Nielsen, September 2019

·       Toulouse School of Economics, April 2019

·       University of North Carolina, April 2019

·       Amazon, September 2018

·       Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, June 2018

·       Temple University, Fox School of Business, February 2018

·       Tilburg University, December 2017

“Personalized Pricing and Customer Welfare”

Formerly Titled “Scalable Price Targeting”

·       MIT (economics), May 2019

·       Insead, April 2019

·       Research Triangle Micro Conference, UNC, April 2019

·       Quantitative Marketing & Marketing Analytics Conference, Delhi Center, December 2017

·       Yale University (economics), October 2017

·       Digital Economics Conference, Microsoft Research, October 2017

·       NBER summer Economics of Digitization meetings, July 2017

·       HEC Montreal-CIRANO-RIIB Conference on Industrial Organization, July 2017

·       Porter Conference, Northwestern University, May 2017

·       Penn State (economics), February 2017

·       Bridge Webinar, McGill University, Jan 2017

·       Winter Marketing-Economics Summit, Jan 2017

·       Digital Marketing Conference, Stanford, December 2016

·       Cornell, Jonson School of Management, November 2016

·       Notre Dame (Economics), November 2016

“Consumer Misinformation and the Brand Premium: A Private Label Blind Taste Test”

Formerly Titled “Information and Demand for Branded Goods: in-store branded versus private label blind taste tests”

·       McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management, July 2017

·       Data Science Academy, AC Nielsen, July 2016

·       Kilts Center Marketing Insights Conference, University of Chicago, May 2016


“Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons”

·       Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai, June 2016

·       Boston University, Questrom School of Business, February 2016

·       UCSD, Rady School of Management, January 2016

·       University of Louisville (Economics), January 2016

·       Big Data Conference, NYU Stern, September 2015

 “Income and Wealth Effects on Private Label Demand: Evidence From the Great Recession”

·       European Commission, June 2015


“Self-Signaling and Pro-Social Behavior: a cause marketing mobile field experiment”

·       University of Maryland, Smith School of Business, September 2015

·       Ohio State University (economics), September 2015

·       University of Alberta, May 2015

·       Columbia University, Columbia GSB, May 2015

·       Winter Marketing-Economics Summit, Jan 2015

·       Washington University, Olin School of Business, January 2015

·       University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business, January 2015

·       Temple University, Fox School of Business, January 2015

·       University of Chicago, Department of Economics, November 2014

·       Princeton, November 2014

·       University of Wisconsin (economics), November 2014

·       University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, October 2014

·       University of Houston, Bauer School of Business, October 2014

·       Universiteit van Tilburg, September 2014

·       HEC Paris, August 2014

·       Colloquium on Big Data and Mobile Analytics, Temple University, November 2013

“Persistence in Market Structure and Brand Preferences for CPG”

·       ICT, University of Porto, March 2014

“Do Pharmacists Buy Bayer? Sophisticated Shoppers and the Brand Premium”

·       Marketing Insights at Chicago Booth, May 2014

·       Winter Marketing-Economics Summit, Jan 2014

·       Simon School of Business, University of Rochester, October 2013

·       Fudan University, September 2013

·       SITE, July 2013

·       MIT (economics), April 2013

·       The University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, March 2013

·       Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado at Boulder, February 2013

·       University of Zurich, January 2013

·       Stern School of Business, New York University, September 2012

·       Cheung Kong University, June 2012

·       Consumer Insights Conference, Yale University, May 2012

·       Santa Clara University, January 2012

·       University of Urbana-Champaign (economics), October 2011

·       The Kelley School of Business, Indianan University, September 2011

·       The 4th Workshop on the Economics of Advertising and Marketing (discussant Alexander Stepanov), Moscow, June 2011


“The Evolution of Brand Preferences: Evidence from Consumer Migration”

Formerly Titled “Migration and the Persistence of Consumer Brand Preferences”

·       University of Western Ontario (economics), October 2010

·       Boston College, September 2010

·       NBER, summer I.O. meetings (discussant Fiona Scott Morton), July 2010

·       Marketing Camp, UCLA, May 2010

·       Consumer Insights Conference, Yale University, May 2010

·       MI9 Conference, University of Tel Aviv, December 2009

·       Marketing Camp, HKUST, December 2009

·       The 2nd Workshop on the Economics of Advertising and Marketing (discussant Sara Biancini), Paris, June 2009


“Estimating Durable Goods Adoption Decisions From Stated Preference Data”

·       UC Davis, March 2011

·       The 2011 UTD Frank Bass Forms Conference, February 2011

·       London Business School, January 2011

·       The 2010 Choice Symposium (hosted by University of Miami), May 2010

·       Marketing Dynamics Conference, NYU, August 2009


“Dynamic Decision Problems in Marketing”

·       Marketing Dynamics Conference, University of Waikato, January 2009


“Improving the Numerical Performance of Discrete Choice Random Coefficients Demand Estimation”

·       NBER, winter I.O. meetings (discussant Steve Berry), February 2009

·       Federal Trade Commission, November 2008

·       Northwestern University (economics), October 2008

·       University of Rochester, October 2008


Tipping and Concentration in Markets with Indirect Network Effects

Formerly Titled “Dynamic Standards Competition and Tipping: the case of 32/64 bit video game consoles”

·       CRA International, July 2008

·       University of Connecticut (Food Marketing), April 2008

·       Yale University (economics), April 2008

·       NBER, winter I.O. meetings (discussant Dan Ackerberg), February 2008

·       Wharton, February 2008

·       Fuqua School, Duke University, January 2008

·       Universiteit van Tilberg, January 2008

·       The 2007 Choice Symposium (hosted by Wharton), June 2007


“Do Switching Costs Make Markets Less Competitive?”

·       Yahoo! Inc., October 2007

·       The Canadian Competition Bureau, September 2007

·       2007 UBC Summer Conference on Industrial Organization, July 2007

·       University of British Columbia, February 2007

·       Universiteit van Tilburg, January 2007

·       Inflation Research Center (discussant Alex Wolman), Chicago Fed, December 2006

·       Stern School, NYU, December 2006

·       HEC Montreal, December 2006

·       University of Minnesota (economics), September 2006

·       NBER, summer I.O. meetings (discussant Alan Sorensen), July 2006

·       Erasmus University Rotterdam, June 2006

·       Yale SOM, April 2006


“Category Pricing with State Dependent Utility”

Formerly titled “State Dependence in Demand and Long-Run Pricing”

·       Marketing Science, Pittsburgh, June 2006

·       Kellogg Marketing Camp, Northwestern University, September 2005


“Endogenous Sunk Costs and the Geographic Distribution of Brand Shares in CPG Industries”

·       Strategic and Tactical Decision Making in Supermarket Retailing, SUNY Buffalo, August 2005

·       Summer Institute for Competitive Strategy (discussant Avi Goldfarb), Berkeley, June 2005

·       CRES I.O. conference (discussant Emek Baskar), Olin School, June 2005

·       Northwestern/Chicago I.O. and Marketing Conference, June 2005

·       Duke (economics), April 2005

·       Harvard/MIT (economics), February 2005

·       NBER, winter I.O. meetings (discussant Jonathan Levin), February 2005

·       Winter Marketing Camp at Leuven, December 2004

·       Johnson School, Cornell University, December 2004


“An Empirical Model of Advertising Dynamics”

·       University of Arizona (economics), November 2004

·       Federal Trade Commission, October 2004

·       Stern School, NYU, June 2004

·       London Business School, May 2004

·       Haas School, UC Berkeley, April 2004

·       Winter Marketing Camp at Leuven, December 2003

·       Columbia GSB, Columbia University, November 2003

·       Joint workshop – University of Waterloo, Wilfried Laurier University and CIGI, October 2003

·       Department of Justice, October 2003


“Estimating an SKU-level Brand Choice Model Combining Household Panel Data and Store Data”

·       Marketing Science, University of Maryland, June 2003.


“Targeted Pricing and the estimation of consumer choice models in the presence of unmeasured product features”

·       Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, April 2003

·       Columbia GSB (economics), Columbia University, April 2003

·       GSIA, Carnegie Mellon University, April 2003

·       Insead, December 2002

·       Winter Marketing Camp at Leuven, December 2002

·       Wharton, December 2002

·       University of Chicago GSB, October 2002

·       INFORMS conference on pricing, Cornell, September 2002


Balancing profitability and customer welfare: an application to zone pricing by a supermarket chain

·       Universidade Nova de Lisboa (economics), June 2002

·       Anderson School, UCLA, April 2002

·       Sloan School, MIT, September 2001

·       Marketing Science, Wiesbaden, July 2001

·       The 2001 Choice Symposium (hosted by UC Berkeley), Monterey CA, June 2001


“Competitive Price Discrimination Strategies in a Vertical Channel with Aggregate Data”

·       Stanford GSB, April 2002

·       INFORMS, San Antonio, November 2000

·       Marketing Science, UCLA, June 2000


“Dynamic Brand Competition Across Markets: an empirical analysis”

·       Marketing Science, Wiesbaden, July 2001

·       MSI Conference on Competitive Response, May 2001


“Product Differentiation and Mergers in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry”

·       University of Chicago GSB (economics), January 2001

·       Econometric Society Meetings, University of Washington, Seattle, August 2000

·       Northwestern University (economics), October 1999


“Multiple Discreteness and Product Differentiation: Strategy and Demand for Carbonated Soft Drinks”

·       Johnson School, Cornell University, April 2001

·       Kellogg GSM, Northwestern University, December 1999

·       Haas School, UC Berkeley, November 1999

·       University of Chicago GSB, November 1999

·       Simon School, University of Rochester, November 1999

·       Olin School, Washington University, October 1999

·       Yale SOM, October 1999

·       Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, October 1999



·       WindPoint Partners, September 2021

·       ECIA, October 2017

·       McWane Ductile, July 2017

·       Amazon, October 2016

·       TPG Pricing Summit, May 2016

·       CEO Perspectives, Chicago, May 2015

·       Marketing Strategy Group, Chicago, April 2015

·       Global Leadership Series, Chicago Booth, Jakarta, June 2014

·       National University of Singapore, June 2014

·       McDonalds, April 2014, July 2014

·       Colloquium on Big Data and Mobile Analytics, November 2013

·       Phoenix Products Group, November 2012

·       Cheung Kong University, Trends in Marketing, June 2012

·       CCIM Institute, September 2011

·       ThermoFischer, September 2011

·       Marketing Leadership Forum at Baxter, April 2011

·       Charles River Annual Sales Meeting, January 2009

·       American Bar Association, January 2009

·       The Marketing Leadership Council, December 2008

·       Kraft Brand Management Forum, July 2008

·       NAVTEQ Global Sales and Marketing Meeting, January 2007



·       Amazon

·       American Bar Association

·       American College of Surgeons

·       Australian Government Solicitors

·       BonelliErede

·       The Chamberlain Group, Inc.

·       Charles River Associates

·       CCIM Institute

·       Compass Lexecon

·       The European Commission (design of software for merger analysis and pricing)

·       Masonite

·       McWane Ductile

·       Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

·       Navigant

·       Qualcomm

·       Rockwell Automation

·       Roland Berger

·       The Roundtable Group

·       The Scotts Company

·       Yahoo! Research



·       Big Data and Marketing Analytics (BDMA), Chicago Booth School of Business

·       Category Management (executive)

·       CEO Middle Market Forum

·       CFO Forum

·       CIO Forum

·       Directors' Consortium

·       Executive Leadership Program, Marketing Analytics, Qatar

·       Executive Program for Prospective CFOs (EPPC)

·       General Management Program: Marketing Analytics, Kuwait

·       Kraft-Heinz

·       Leading Data Analytics (exec online)

·       Marketing Analytics to Drive Growth

·       Roundy's

·       RSM McGladrey

·       Strategic Marketing Analytics, Hong Kong

·       Strategic Marketing Management, Chicago Booth School of Business

·       Tomra Systems

·       UOP LLP (A Honeywell Company)

·       WCAS Pricing Counsel

·       Workiva

·       Zimmer, Inc.



·       Marketing Strategies for High Technology and the Internet (BUS 37302)

·       Pricing Strategies (BUS 37202, BUS 37801 – Executive MBA, SMM – non-degree)

·       Advanced Quantitative Marketing (BUS 37904)



Department Editor:

·       Management Science, 2023-

Associate/Area Editor:

·       Journal of Marketing Research, 2009-2020

·       Marketing Science, 2006-2022

·       Management Science, 2009-2023


Member, Editorial Board

·       Production and Operations Management, 2003-2007

·       Recherche et Applications en Marketing (RAM), 2004-2008

·       Quantitative Marketing and Economics. 2002-


Ad hoc Reviewer:

The American Economic Review, Econometrica, The Economic Journal, International Journal of the Economics of Business, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, NBER, NSF, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, The Rand Journal of Economics, The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.



·       2023 Hillel J. Einhorn Excellence in Teaching Award

·       Named one of CDO Magazine's 2021 Global Leading Academic Data Leaders

·       Chicago Booth Class of 2016 Phoenix Award (for faculty member who, in addition to his classroom responsibilities, has greatly enriched the learning experience of students through voluntary involvement in the extracurricular and community activities of the graduating class), 2016

·       2008, Paul E. Green from the American Marketing Association

·       Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, Evening and Weekend MBA Programs, University of Chicago GSB, 2005


Appointments and Grants

·       MSI Research Grant #4000410, 2018

·       The Charles E. Merrill faculty research fund, 2018-2020

·       Grant from the IGM, University of Chicago, 2014

·       MSI Research Grant #4-1765, 2012

·       Grant from the IGM, University of Chicago, 2011

·       MSI Research Grant #4-1667, 2010

·       Robert King Steel Faculty Fellow, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012

·       Beatrice Foods, Co. Scholar, 2009-2010

·       Grant from the IGM, University of Chicago, 2009

·       Yahoo! Faculty Research Grant, 2008

·       MSI Research Grant #4-1525, 2008

·       Grant from the IGM, University of Chicago, 2007

·       MSI Research Grant #4-1450, 2007

·       Grant from the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship, 2007

·       ACG Research Fellow, 2006-2007

·       Beatrice Foods, Co. Scholar, 2005-2006

·       MSI Research Grant # 4-1301, 2005

·       True North Communications, Inc. Scholar, 2003-2004

·       Beatrice Foods, Co. Scholar, 2001-2002


Advisory Board

·       Comscore Networks


·       Global Center for Big Data in Mobile Analytics

·       Academic Advisor, INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS)

·       Editor Selection Committee, Marketing Science, 2010



·       AEA

·       INFORMS (ISMS)


Doctoral Dissertation Committees

·       Xinyao Kong, 2023 (expected)

·       Hwi Kook Choe, 2023 (expected)

·       Olivia Natan, 2021 (UC Berkeley)

·       Yewon Kim, 2020 (Stanford GSB)

·       Ali Goli, 2020 (U Washington)

·       Shirsho Biswas, 2020 (U Washington)

·       Fang Fu, 2020 (Amazon)

·       Joonhwi Joo, 2018 (UT Dallas)

·       Robert Sanders, 2018 (UC SD)

·       Xiliang Lin, 2018 (JD)

·       Andrey Simonov, 2017 (Columbia GSB)

·       Cristian Dagnino (expected 2016)

·       Naiqing Gu, 2016 (Georgia Tech)

·       Indranil Goswami (SUNY Buffalo)

·       Yufeng Huang (Rochester)

·       Avigail Kifer (Cornerstone)

·       Dan Zou (Protenus)

·       Dan Nguyen (Cornerstone)

·       Pranav Jindal, 2012 (Penn State)

·       Navdeep Sahni, 2012 (Stanford)

·       Elisabeth Honka, 2010 (UT Dallas)

·       Renna Jiang, 2009 (UC Davis)

·       Mitsukuni Nishida, 2009 (National University of Singapore)

·       Maria Ana Vitorino, 2008 (Wharton)

·       Felipe Diniz, 2008 (McKinsey)

·       Hongju Liu, 2007 (University of Connecticut)

·       Junhong Chu, 2006 (Business School, National University of Singapore)

·       Minhua Wan, 2006 (UT Dallas)

·       Harikesh Nair, 2005 (GSB, Stanford University)

·       Khim Yong Goh, 2005 (Singapore National University)

·       Guillermo Israilevich, 2003 (Bates White, LLC)

·       Inseong Song, 2002 (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

·       Vishal Singh, 2002 (Carnegie Mellon GSIA)


·       Program Committee, Triannual Choice Symposium, 2023, 2019, 2016

·       Co-Chair, Marketing Science Conference, 2022

·       Chair, QME Conference, 2020, 2007

·       Program Committee, QME Conference, 2018, 2016, 2009, 2008

·       Chair, “What Are Customer Data? New Data for Better Decisions,” Conference, MSI, 2019

·       Chair, Big Data Conference, Kilts Center for Marketing, 2016, 2015

·       Invited Faculty Speaker, ISMS Doctoral Consortium, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016

·       Marketing & Economics Session, NBER Summer IO meetings, 2014

·       Invited Faculty, Sheth Doctoral Consortium, 2012

·       Chair, Chicago-Northwestern IO & Marketing Conference, 2008, 2006